shelf plastic

Inkcazo elifutshane:

Suzhou Innovative Store Equipment Co., Ltd. – the supplier of Industrial Wire Shelving Racks. Our line of Industrial Wire Shelving Racks may be utilized in many applications ranging from display, storage, decoration, etc. Standard components Different shape of shelves to fit different position of stores   Wire shelves Pentagon wire shelf | Fan wire shelf | Plastic hole shelf Colors PC surface | Zinc plated | Chrome plated Load Capa. (kgs) Above 100kgs   Advantage Flexib...

Iinkcukacha Product

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Suzhou Innovative Store Equipment Co., Ltd. - kumniki Industrial Wire kweeshelfu ntsimbi zilapha phezulu.

Line kwethu Industrial Wire kweeshelfu ntsimbi zilapha phezulu ukuze isetyenziswe kwizicelo ezininzi ukusuka umboniso, ukugcinwa, umhombiso, njl

izakhi Standard

  • imilo ezahlukeneyo ezishelifini zifanele isikhundla yeevenkile


komele wire Pentagon wire kwithala | Fan wire kwithala | Plastic hole kwithala
imibala surface PC | Izinki ngumfanekiswana | Chrome engathi ngumfanekiswana
Layisha Capa. (Kum) 100kgs Phezulu



  • design Flexible ne ezishelifini adjustable
  • grade Industrial nge chrome engathi ngumfanekiswana
  • ibandla Quick kungekho izixhobo ezifunekayo


inketho more

Sebenzisa iindawo zethu ungayikhetha kunye izincedisi ukwakha iiyunithi unique ngongoma-of-lokuthenga.

T post | panel Side | MDF Hole emva | panel mesh wire Side | bar yokuhlwayela | Icango langaphambili


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